Empowering Educators to Inspire, Innovate, and Impact the Future

Trevor offers the perspective of a teacher, author, speaker, and project based learning expert, to help educators find more ways to engage their students, transform their classrooms, and invigorate their careers.

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Inspiring Keynotes & Workshops

Trevor Muir has gained international recognition for his innovative teaching methods and inspiring content, which empower teachers and students to unleash their full potential.

His keynotes and workshops are about unlocking that potential.

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Let's Connect!

Interested in having Trevor as a keynote speaker or to lead professional development? Use the form below to email [email protected]

Top Requested Keynotes and Workshops

Entertaining and equipping through inspiring stories, research, and fresh ideas, Trevor passionately shares his expertise and insight to inspire every educator to thrive and transform.

View Full List of Keynotes, Workshops, & Consulting Offerings

Make Learning Epic: 
Using Purpose to Inspire

The term ‘Epic’ is defined as a story that conveys a sense of significance. That’s what school can be: students’ taking part in a significant, purposeful story. Using funny, inspirational stories and researched-based strategies, Trevor shares how to use the power of story, brain science, and authentic learning to help teachers achieve true student engagement. Educators leave with proven practices to create authentic learning experiences, motivation to foster deeper student-connections, and a compelling reminder of the impact educators have on their students’ lives.

Innovative Teacher Mindset

Being different in education isn't about abandoning tradition but embracing what works while staying open to change. With the introduction of artificial intelligence, this is a mindset teachers need. It's one that encourages creative risks and continuous improvement, making educators adaptable in a constantly evolving world. Education demands innovation and a willingness to evolve to become a different kind of teacher. This keynote is about developing this mindset, strategies to employ it well, and using it throughout a teacher's career so they AND their students can thrive.

AI and the Ideal Graduate: The Essential Role of Educators in a Tech-Driven World

As AI reshapes education, we face profound questions: Will it replace traditional classrooms? Do we still need schools in their current form? But before we dive into those, we must ask: What is the true purpose of school? It's not just about knowledge; it’s about shaping empathetic, resilient, collaborative individuals. AI is a powerful tool, but it can’t replace the human connection, passion, and guidance that teachers provide. In this keynote, we’ll explore how AI can enhance learning while reaffirming the irreplaceable role of educators in creating future-ready graduates.

Bridging the Gap: Strengthening Student-School Connections

Student-success often has less to do with student-intelligence and more to do with their connection to the learning environment. Students who do not connect with either the teacher, their peers, or the fundamental purpose of school usually struggle there. Teachers, as guides and mentors, play a pivotal role in fostering these connections and relationships, shaping a supportive environment where students can not only grow academically but also flourish personally in school and life. Using stories, humor, and sharing proven practices, Trevor helps educators explore ways to form these connections, ensuring every student has the opportunity to thrive in the classroom.

Creating a
Collaborative Classroom

Trevor inspires and equips educators with actionable ideas and proven best practices to facilitate successful collaboration. Authenticity and trust are the heart of strong student teamwork. When students are engaged in meaningful group work, and their teachers are equipped with the protocols and tools to make it go smoothly, collaboration is no longer a struggle but transforms into an anticipated, dynamic practice with rich outcomes and deeper learning.

Epic Spaces for Epic Learning

The best learning experiences become stories students remember, and every story needs a specific space to unfold. This keynote is about create learning spaces that allow purposeful work to unfold in the classroom. 


Purposeful Technology to Create Authentic Learning

Authentic learning leads to deeper learning. When used with intentionality, technology can help enhance authenticity and give tangible purpose to student work. This session is about how certain technologies can be used to enhance authenticity in the classroom, assist students in meaningful work, and teach them skills they will need the rest of their lives.

Stop Calling
Them Soft Skills!

A recent US survey shows that the main reason people are fired from their jobs is that they lack soft skills: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and confidence. Trevor equips teachers to craft learning experiences so that students develop these critical skills while learning 'hard skills’ and academic content. Students do purposeful work while becoming better communicators, collaborators, problem solvers, and citizens.


"That was the best keynote I've ever seen! I laughed and cried the whole time. Trevor was such a gift to the teachers in our district."



"Trevor was great! I cried through the session! Great storyteller, he transported me through his stories. HE inspires me to continue in the teaching profession even when it is discouraging."


Conference Attendee,

"I really enjoyed the positive message Trevor presented. He was very personable and kept my attention. I would enjoy another session with him to hear more of his experiences, stories and advice."

Project Based Learning Workshops

Trevor’s Epic Project Based Learning workshops were developed after years of working in a New Tech project based learning school, as well as his experience as a Buck Institute National Faculty member. Through this engaging and learning-intensive program, Trevor teaches any educator from any grade level how to implement project based learning in their school and classroom.

At its core Epic Project Based Learning (PBL) is about making learning authentic. PBL adds relevancy and real world challenges to the work students accomplish, and in the process makes learning more engaging and memorable. These workshops give concrete methods, practices, and resources to create a standards-based, skills and content-rich classroom in an innovative project based learning model.

One-Day Immersion

The goal of the One-Day Immersion workshop is for teachers to leave feeling inspired, empowered, and equipped to plan and execute projects in their own classrooms. Along with the understanding of why PBL has a place in their classrooms, participants will begin planning their own projects based on standards from their specific grade level and content areas.


PBL Intensive (2 Days)

Building upon the 1 Day, educators will learn about project management and assessment, as well as fully plan a project based learning project. Using the provided tools and resources, participants will collaborate with their peers as well as Trevor to design a complete PBL project. The goal of the Intensive is for teachers to leave with a fully planned, standards-based project ready for students, as well as confidence to plan further projects outside of the workshop setting..


Coaching & Consulting

Once teachers have a firm grasp on planning, launching, and managing project based learning projects, consulting provides sustained support to deepen PBL practice in the classroom. Trevor meets one-on-one or with small groups of teachers to ensure their success. Consulting is based on the specific needs of teachers, but often includes brainstorming project ideas, creating authentic connections to content standards, & designing authentic assessments.

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Epic Classroom Discussions

“Communication is the number one skills gap for employees.” LinkedIn CEO. In an increasingly polarized world, it’s evident many people do not know how to speak and listen to each other effectively.

In this workshop, Trevor teaches how to make discussion a bedrock of learning. As your students learn essential conversation skills, their academic performance increases as well. Whether a kindergarten or 12th grade teacher, a math or English teacher, participants will be equipped with new inspiration, ideas, and strategies to teach their students how to have rich class discussions.


Using AI to Design Engaging Lessons and Projects

Welcome to a new era of education, where the power of artificial intelligence meets your creativity and expertise as an educator. This session is designed to assist teachers harness the potential of tools like ChatGPT to develop authentic & engaging lessons and learning units. Trevor will walk educators step-by-step to develop engaging and content-rich projects and lessons for students.

Student Keynote

Discovering Purpose: Finding a Reason to Overcome Anything

People don't quit because something is too hard; they quit because the hard work doesn’t seem worth it. At the heart of overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles is purpose. Trevor inspires students to find purpose in their education and work, and to use that purpose to persevere. With a defined purpose, they will obtain whatever skills necessary. Trevor helps students discover purpose so they can build resilience and thrive.



This workshop is about discovering the embedded qualities of Social Emotional Learning found in Project Based Learning. Trevor shares stories and strategies to help any teacher plan PBL projects that connect with students at emotional level, unlocking deep engagement.


Authentic Literacy

Learn how to tie literacy and a love of reading into authentic learning experiences. This workshop explores strategies and practices to help students grow as readers and critical thinkers while completing purposeful tasks. We’ll discuss how to plan literacy activities during projects, as well as discussion strategies to talk about the reading in engaging and authentic ways.


Growth Mindset & Standards Based Grading

Trevor helps teachers understand the value of adopting a growth mindset when it comes to grading. In this discussion-rich, research-backed workshop, educators learn the value of standards-based grading as well as strategies to implement it in their classrooms. 


Leading a Purposeful School

In this engaging session we delve into the concept of the "ideal graduate" and collectively identify the essential traits, characteristics, and skills we aspire for every student to possess. While knowledge is undoubtedly crucial, we recognize the significance of collaborative abilities, hard work ethic, confidence, empathy, and much more. Through discussion, storytelling, and research, we will explore practical approaches to designing instruction and fostering a school culture that aligns with the primary purpose of education: equipping students to confidently navigate the challenges of the real world.

What Do You & Your Staff Need?

Trevor can create a keynote and/or workshop to fit your school or conference’s needs. Want a project based learning workshop that focuses on the use of technology? Or how about a standards-based grading session that also talks about service learning?

If you have an idea that is not listed on this page, just send an email of what you’re thinking and we will make it happen.

Let's Talk!

Book Trevor today to inspire, equip, and encourage your team.